Thoracic Spine

The thoracic spine is located in the upper and middle part of the back. It is the longest section of the spine that starts at the base of the neck and ends at the bottom of the ribs. It is made up of 12 bones (T1 to T12) and it is surrounded by muscles, nerves, tendons and ligaments, which protects the spinal cord and nerves from injury, provides attachments for the ribs, supports the chest and abdomen, and allows body movement.

Common conditions and disorders that affect the thoracic spine include compression fractures (the most common injury), kyphosis and scoliosis.

How can Harakaty help?

Our movement program will improve functional performance of the thoracic spine, and address issues shown in the image above, with the following outcomes:

  • Alleviate pain and inflammation
  • Release tension and improve spinal mobility
  • Strengthen supporting muscles
  • Promote postural alignment and proper ergonomics
  • Enhance cervical and thoracic mobility
  • Reduce nerve compression
  • Restore normal cervical curve
  • Increase blood circulation
  • Improve proprioception and balanceĀ 
  • Address compensatory patterns